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MoneyLetter Fund List

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Performance Results

See MoneyLetter’s historical performance since 1987. Our results are measured against the US stock market and the asset allocation fund average.

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Do-It-Yourself investor looking to grow their understanding & experience.

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Professional Advisors

Subscribers have access to the MoneyLetter Managed Account Program at Asset Strategy Advisors.

What’s Included In My MoneyLetter Subscription?

Your MoneyLetter subscription offers various tools, insights, and a plethora of data. Learn more about what you can expect to receive below.



MoneyLetter: The Flagship Publication

One of America’s most established financial newsletters for mutual fund & Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) investors. MoneyLetter provides asset allocation and fund recommendations for individual investors every month.

The MoneyLetter Hotline

Weekly email update with specific advice for the MoneyLetter model portfolios.

MoneyLetter Models

Model portfolios – our best advice – for Conservative, Moderate, and Venturesome investors. Each model includes a complete performance review in every issue.


Fund Scorecards

Including “Buy,” “Hold,” and “Sell” recommendations for more than 350 top-rated funds and ETFs. Separate lists with rankings for domestic stock, international stock, specialty, and bond funds.

Fidelity & Vanguard Models

Advice for all three risk levels for investors who prefer Fidelity or Vanguard funds.

Fund Profiles

An inside look into the portfolio management and keys to performance of our top recommendations.

MoneyLetter Plus

(Separate Subscription Required)



MoneyLetter Plus: The Perfect Companion

Our weekly statistical newsletter with information on all 850+ funds in the database. ML Plus “fills in the gaps” between MoneyLetter issues.


MoneyLetter Plus Models

The only place you can find our model portfolios exclusively designed for ETF and T. Rowe Price investors.

Muni Bond Funds

Weekly review of tax-free alternatives. This list is essential for investors in high tax states.

MoneyLetter Tools


MyRisk Assesment Tool

MyRisk helps you determine your risk tolerance and compare it to your portfolio’s risk. MyRisk helps you “align” your investment portfolios with yours personal Risk Tolerance.

MyWealth Guide App

Take control of your future with an easy-to-use financial wellness app that encourages simple behavioral changes through awareness and education of healthier spending and saving habits.

Ready to Take Your Investment Strategy Up a Notch or Two?

At MoneyLetter, our goal is to provide you with the information and resources you need to build a successful investment strategy and diversified portfolio. Get your hands on our market insights and recommendations and take your investment strategy to the next level. 

Join MoneyLetter Friends to receive free tools and market updates for the Do-It-Yourself investor looking to increase understanding & experience.

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