MyRisk helps you align yourself with your investment portfolios.

MyRisk helps you align yourself with your investment portfolios. Are you investing wrong, or are you investing right? Apply risk analytics to quickly assess your risk. MyRisk helps you find out what your Risk Tolerance is and see if your portfolio actually fits you.
People are individuals.
What Does
Capture Your Risk Number®
Using scientific theory to objectively pinpoint an investor’s Risk Number, we are reinventing the way we use risk tolerance. Regardless of your situation. Across the room or across the world.
Align Your Portfolio
Does an investor’s risk tolerance jive with how they’re invested? A portfolio-wide Risk Number and 95% Probability Range help enable you to make investment decisions and demonstrate alignment to your portfolio.
Define Your Retirement Goals
Don’t wonder if your risk preference will allow you to achieve your goals — calculate your risk and build a map that helps you towards your financial goals.
What’s Your Risk Score?
Find out what your Risk Tolerance is and
see if your portfolio actually fits you