8 Tips To Make Tax Filing Easier This Year
Tax season officially starts this week with the IRS opening e-File for individual taxpayers. While many people are getting a jump on filing their taxes, you may want to wait a little bit and get organized before you decide to do your tax return. When the Tax Cuts and...
6 Tips To Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
6 Tips to Maximize Your Social Security Benefits: Everyone nearing retirement always seems to have a ton of questions surrounding how to maximize their Social Security benefits. These questions range from “When should I take Social Security?”, “How can I maximize my...
What the 2024 Tax Brackets Mean for Your Money
What the 2024 Tax Brackets Mean for Your Money: Tax brackets play a significant role in determining your tax bill. As your taxable income moves up this ladder, each layer gets taxed at progressively higher rates. How do Tax Brackets Work? A single person with $140,000...
5 Tips to Create a Budget in 2024
5 Tips to Create a Budget in 2024: As we step into a new year, we all have New Year’s resolutions to follow, so why not add “create a 2024 budget” to the list? In 2024, staying on top of your budget is not just about saving money; it’s about securing...