MoneyLetter Blog

The latest insights on the economy and the markets, investment strategies, and retirement


Important Financial Dates of 2024

Important Financial Dates of 2024

In 2024, there are several important financial dates that individuals, businesses, and investors should be aware of to effectively plan for the year ahead. These dates play an important role in taxation, financial reporting, and investment decisions. Here are some key...

Looking to Retire in Five Years?

Looking to Retire in Five Years?

If you are looking to retire in five years, now may be a suitable time to do a realistic retirement-needs analysis. The last five years before retirement may be a significant period, at least in terms of retirement preparation. This is because you must assess whether...

10 Estate Planning Considerations

10 Estate Planning Considerations

It’s easy to put off…no one likes to think about death or how things will be when you’re gone. But comprehensive estate planning is essential when it comes to arranging and distributing your assets after you pass. The peace of mind that comes to you when you know your...

Why Bonds Are Still Essential Investments

Why Bonds Are Still Essential Investments

Give the stock market half a chance and it will dominate the financial headlines. That was certainly the case for the month of July, with the S&P 500 powering upward and bonds barely treading water. But August has been different, with the stock market hitting a...

Where to Invest Right Now

Where to Invest Right Now

Investors recently got another painful lesson in the dangers of trying to time the market. With cash flooding into money-market funds, the S&P 500 shot up more than 20% from its low in October. The investor skittishness is understandable. While a default of US...

What a Fed Interest-Rate Pause Means for Your Money

What a Fed Interest-Rate Pause Means for Your Money

With stocks back in a bull market and inflation cooled, the Fed is expected to pause on raising interest rates. But remember, borrowing costs remain high after a year of Fed rate increases made it more expensive to borrow money to buy a home or a car. More recently,...

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